







TopSolid'Split is an optional module that allows you, from a part or an assembly, to create split of molding blocks (CC blocks, inserts...). And we don't care about the goal of this splitting operation (Die cast, injection, molding, prototype...).



You drive a Split design according 3 main stages:




Available Functions:


Overfly on the icons to access to the related function.


Split design process:


You go trough the functions, from "left to right", form the Inclusion to the Core Cavity blocks creation. Some functions are deactivated if the conditions for their starting are not fulfilled, or if you are not at the correct Stage.



Parting Lines



Molded Shapes

Insert Shapes


Shape to Split


Candidates Edges

Parting Edges

Insert surfaces

Shut Off Surfaces

Parting Surfaces

Interlock Parting Surfaces

Parting Shells



Core Cavity Blocks


Preparation Stage


Allows to include a part or an assy in the Split document.

- Optional if the part or the assembly had been "drag & dropped" in the current document.


Allows to edit the part or assy positioning in the Split document.

- If the part or the assembly had been "drag & dropped" in the current document, they are by default considered as Fixed.

- If the Split document has been created by a "right click" from the tab or the project tree of the part or the assembly, they are considered by default as Free.


Allows to set the shape to "fill", according the molding process (injection, gravity cast, thermoforming...).

- Optional if the Split document has been created by a "right click" from the tab or the project tree of the part or the assembly.


Allows to assign in the software shapes that are "insert" type ( metal insert, "skeleton", over molding...).

- Optional if the Split document has been created by a "right click" from the tab or the project tree of the part or the assembly.

- Optional if this shape does not exist in the current design.


Allows to get, with a scale transformation, the CAD model of the Molded Shapes required to the Core and cavity blocks achievement. Indeed, the used shape for the Core and Cavity Blocks creation is bigger than the shape to get, that was the entry data.



Parting Stage


Allows to define the result shape = Molded shapes with Shrinkage + Insert shapes. Then, you would be able to select and detect straddled edges on your Molded Shapes and Insert Shapes.


Allows to define the shape that will be trimmed after during the Split operation, by the Parting and Part surfaces.


Optional. Allows to detect potential parting edges on the Shape to Split.


Allows to indicate the different parting edges paths.


Optional. Allows to create, if it is needed, the Insert Surfaces suitable for your design.


Optional. Allows to create, if it is needed, the "internal" Shut Off Surfaces suitable for your design.


Allows to create the "external" Parting Surfaces.


Optional. Allows to create, when you need it, the "external" Interlock Parting Surfaces.



Sometimes, it is not possible to use TopSolid'Split functions to create your parting surfaces. In this case, you can of course create your own surfaces, with the TopSolid'Design tools. If you want to see them correctly considered by the software, you would have to assign them as Parting surfaces :


  • In the Entities tree, "drag & drop" the surfaces form the folder Shapes to the folder Parting Surfaces:



  • On screen, select the surfaces to manage (multi selection is available), right click on one of them, then choose Add in Parting Surfaces Set:



  • The Remove from Parting Surfaces Set is allowed according the same process.




Modeling Stage


Allows to check the different molding areas and to create the Shells Split according the previously designed surfaces.


Allows to generate local block shapes, according the previously designed parting elements. During this function, we are also considering the Stock dimensions.


Optional. Sometimes, the Insert surfaces creation is not possible. So this operation allows you to create, if you need it, additional inserts after the Parting Stage.


Allows to create and generate the Core Cavity Blocks assembly file that contains the correct file structure (one file per part) suitable for an optimal PDM use.




The different shapes you will create in the TopSolid'Split document will be managed in the PDM system. You MUST create the Core Cavity Blocks to allow the Assy creation usable by other documents (Mold, Draft, BOM,...)




Modifications / Additional information:


TopSolid'Split options are available in Tools > Options... .


Gradually in the design process, TopSolid'Split creates in the Entities tree the sets that match to each element of your conception.