




This command automatically constrains the parts to be included according to the selected geometries.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Assembly > Constraint... command from the drop-down menu.


1. Select the original geometry.

2. Select the destination geometry.


This command will restrict the parts using these constraints: Plane on plane, Axis on axis, Point on point, Frame on frame, Plane on axis, Axis on plane, Axis on point, Point on axis, Point on plane, Plane on point, Orientation and Surface on surface.

Sometimes it is necessary to use the rotary picking to select the appropriate geometry.


Some of these constraints can be offset by double-clicking on the label value.



  • The objective of these constraints is to position the part in the assembly by deleting the 6 degrees of freedom. If the part is not fully constrained, it can be moved with the mouse.

  • Each part has its positioning. The positioning of the next part is a function of the previous part, which means that by moving the first part, the second will not move dynamically, but will wait until the first part is in its destination position before being calculated and positioned in order to have very short calculation times. With these conditions, it is impossible to position 3 parts together if the third is positioned on the first 2 without grouping the positionings. There are 2 methods: Either turn on the Include in Last Positioning mode before doing the positioning, or if this is already done, merge them by selecting them from the operations tree.



Available Options:


The buttons displayed on the right of the source and destination fields allows you to create middle point, plane or axis on the fly (without stopping the command).

The created element will be automatically used to fill the Source or Destination field.


Modifications / Additional information:


To edit the positioning of the part, double-click part in the assembly. The labels display and can be modified. You can also use the Edit Positioning popup menu.