Merge Positionings







This command allows to merge several positionings to be able to calculate and move them together.


Creation stages / Use:


Select Merge Positionings... after selecting the different positionings to merge from the operations tree. (with the CTRL key)



Each part has its positioning. The positioning of the next part is a function of the previous part, which means that by moving the first part, the second will not move dynamically, but will wait until the first part is in its destination position before being calculated and positioned in order to have very short calculation times. With these conditions, it is impossible to position 3 parts together if the third is positioned on the first 2 without grouping the positionings. There are 2 methods: Either turn on the Include in Last Positioning mode before positioning, or if this is already done, merge them.



  • When positionings are grouped, calculation times can be much longer.

  • When editing the positioning, all constraint labels will be visible.

  • This operation can be cancelled with the Separate Positioning command.