Insert Surfaces



Links / Videos :



This command allows to create the Insert surfaces needed by your Parting shells creation in TopSolid'Split.


Étapes de création / Utilisation :


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Split > Insert Surfaces... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the Shape To Split to handle.

  2. According your design, choose the suitable Mode.

  3. Choose the Limit of your future insert

  4. And give its Direction.

  5. If TopSolid'Split is not able to automatically trim the Insert Surfaces, create the missing shut off surfaces.

  6. Validate .


Available options:



  • Shape with shrink: It allows you to choose the shape to split to treat.
    • Profiles or loops: You select an already created sketch, single edges that will manage at end a closing path or an edges loop.
    • Faces: You select one or many faces.
    • Shape: You select a shape that will become the "base body" of your future insert. Create a shape that "cross" the Shape to Split, TopSolid'Split will trim it automatically to this part. If it is needed, select shut off surfaces.
  • Limit: Several modes are available: 
    • Length: Enter the Insert length.
    • Vertex: You select a point that will indicate the "end" of your Insert Surface. If this point doesn't exist, create it "from scratch" .
    • Stock plane:The software will "stop" for you the Insert Surface on the Stock external Designed Planes.
    • Plane: You select a plane that will indicate the "end" of your Insert. If this plane doesn't exist, create it "from scratch"
  • Direction : Two modes are available:
    • Automatic: According the previously selected Design Mode, the chosen Limit, TopSolid'Split will compute for you the direction of your future Insert Surface.
    • Manual: You select an Axis to set your Insert Surface Direction. If this Axis doesn't exist, create it "from scratch" .
  • Follow draft:

This option creates the insert surfaces by following the draft of the basing faces of the selected parting edges.

Insert surfaces, created without the option

 Insert surfaces, created with the Follow draft option



If TopSolid'Split is not able to automatically trim the Insert Surfaces, create the missing shut off surfaces. Several modes are available to build them:

    • Surfaces : Select a previously created set of Shut Off Surface or common TopSolid'Design surfaces.
    • Edges:Select an already created sketch, single edges that will manage at end a closing path or an edges loop. In this case, you gain access to the surface creation options
  • Extension : "Extends" the hole walls.
  •  Fill : "Fills" the hole.


  • Invert extension side : it is sometimes difficult, for the software, to determinate the correct creation "way". This option helps you to "try" the complementary side.




  • With bottom: It allows you to add a flat surface to the bottom of your Insert Surface.


Without bottom

With bottom

  • Fitting: It allows you to manage the "acceptable" tolerance between surfaces.
  • Smoothing: It allows you to manage the "acceptable" angular tolerance between surfaces to operate an automatic Smoothing operation.


Modifications / Additional information: