Smoothing |
This command is used to obtain a smooth curve by creating point on the curve and rebuilding by passing over the points to get a continuous curve in tangent.
Creation Stages / Use:
Click on the icon or choose the command 2D or 3D Sketch > Operations > Smoothing... from the drop down menu.
Select the profiles to smooth.
Select the smooth type..
Local: The smoothing will be done segment by segment, based on the entered angular tolerance. If the angle between the two profiles is less than the entered value, the two profiles will be rounded at their intersection. If the angle between the two profiles is greater, the sharp angle will be preserved. |
Global: The smoothing will be global for the entire sketch. The more interpolation points there are, the closer the curve will be to the initial sketch. There will no longer be sharp angle between the segments. |
By tolerances: The smoothing of a Bspline will be done regarding the entered linear and angular tolerances. The linear tolerance is the maximum distance between a point of the Bspline to smooth and its equivalent on the smoothed curve. The angular tolerance is the maximum angle between the tangent of a point of the Bspline to smooth and the tangent of its equivalent on the smoothed curve. |
Validate with the button.
The Tolerance contextual command allows to modify this approximation. |
Available Options:
Local :
Angular tolerance: The curve is smoothed by created points on the curve and rebuilding by going back over the points according to a specified angular tolerance in order to get a continuous curve in tangent. If the angle between the two profiles is less than the entered value, the two profiles will be rounded at their intersection. If the angle between the two profiles is greater, the sharp angle will be preserved.
Select Point Influence or Distributed Influence. These options, which are to be used on poor quality curves, can soften the curvature. With Point Influence, the point closes to the intersection can be moved. With Distributed Influence, the entered distance will indicate the distance on which the control points will be able to be moved to gradually soften the curvature.
Note: The angular tolerance has been increased (80°) so that no sharp angles remain. |
Global :
Number of interpolation points: Number of passage points defining the smooth curve. The higher this number, the closer the curve will be to the initial curve. However, the processing time may be much longer.
Sketch without smoothing |
Number of interpolations: 20 |
Number of interpolations: 100 |