Shape to Split



Links / Videos :



This command (optional) allows to define the Shape to Split used in your Split Design.



The Shape to Split is the result of the union between the Molded Shape with Shrinkage applied + Insert Shape. Then,you are able to select or create Parting Edges on geometries shared by these both entities. You have to set it when:

  • you have multiple shapes in your original document.

  • you have inserted your PDD with a "drag&drop" in your Split document.


According the previous rule, the Shape to Split MUST be a shape with only one body. If it is not the case, the Split process will be not possible.



Creation stages / Use:



If your document has been created by a right click from the original file (tab or project tree), this selection is done automatically.



Click the icon or select the Split  > Shape to Split... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the Molded set to manage.

  2. Choose the frame that will become the reference for this Shape to Split.

  3. The color of the selected shape changes according the setting done in the document options Split Blocks > Colors > Molded Set.

  4. Validate .


Available options:




  • Remove face colors: This option removes any colors applied to the faces of the molded parts.



This option is only useful if the shape to split is created without a predefined color defined in Tools > Options...