Colors Options



Links / Videos :



This command allows you to modify the TopSolid'Split Colors Options.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Tools > Options... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Click "+" in front of the Split section in the left column.

  2. Select Colors.




  • The Reset button resets the heading to the original configuration.



  • Molded set:

Allows to set the different colors to apply to the shape according its status in the document (Molded shape, Shrinkage, Insert shape, Shape to split).

  • Parting edges:

Allows to distinguish the candidate edges (proposals) form the validated parting edges.

  • Molding areas mapping:

Allows to define a mapping chart that will help you to correctly "read" the different molding areas. Be careful, according to the parting edges design, the ares could switch form a color to another one. The molding areas are not fixed and could change if it is needed.

  • Parting shapes:

Allows you to define the colors to be applied on surfaces resulting from the molding area, the parting surfaces, or inserts.