Parting Edges



Links / Videos :



This command allows to validate the edges that define the parting path and delimit the different Molding Areas.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Split > Parting Edges... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the Shape To Split to handle.

  2. Click on the part the edges that define the parting path. "Balls" indicate where the path is open, getting closed path is the final goal of the Parting Edges creation.

  1. Once done, validate .



You can validate, even if the selection is still open. You would edit it later to finish and close it.




Available options:



  • Special inputs:

Particular edges creation mode are available with the button :


    • Boundary Edges Profile.

    • Imprint. In the Advanced options of the command, it is possible to choose to Select as parting lines the edges created by this command. They will be automatically added to the selected edges list in the Parting edges command.


  • Candidates edges only:

This option filter the selection by allowing only the selection of Candidate Edges previously computed.

It is possible to complete this option with extra feature:

    • Closed candidates edges only.

    • Planar candidates edges only.

Each one of this option is only available if the previous one is active.



  • Picking on visible edges only: this option allows to restrict the edges selection highlight only to visible edges of the part. This makes the parting edges selection much more easy to use.

  • Single edge selection: This option allows you to control what is proposed as the first selection, in this case, systematically the single edge hovered over by the mouse. Intelligent selections, available from this edge, are then proposed via rotary picking: tangent edge path, internal loops of faces...


Modifications / Additional information:




The created sketch is non-associative to the selected Parting edge operations.