Boundary edges profile






This command allows to copy the boundary edges. The edges that delimit a surface are its border edges. A volume shape does not have any border edges.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Boundary edges profile...command from the "+" of the path field of the Slot and torgue command. It is also available for all other surface commands which needs a profile to be created (Pipe, Swept, Lofted, Normal, Flat, Imprint, ...)


  1. Select a boundary edge on the surface.

  2. Select the start and end vertexes if necessary. By selecting the start and end vertexes, only the section between these points of the boundary edge is selected. If no vertex is selected, all the boundary edges are selected.

  3. Validate by clicking .




This profile is created "on the fly" during a command use. If this command is canceled or its operation deleted, this profile is also deleted.



A solid shape has no boundary edges. Only edges of a face can be used.




In white and blue: the selected edge.

The pink triangle : the start vertex.

The green triangle : the end vertex.

The preview of the path is displayed in orange.
