



This command allows you to include a part, a sub-set, a local part or assembly of an assembly into the current assembly document. The assembly is the mechanism which allows you to construct an assembly by including parts, profiles or sub-sets. This component inclusion complies with a positioning.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Assembly > Inclusion... (from an Assembly document) or select Shape > Inclusion... (from a Part document).


The parts and open sub-sets are proposed in the Documents drop down list.


  1. Enter the occurrence name to include, if needed.

  2. Select the part or a sub-set to include.

  3. Select a code if defined.

  4. In the Destination section of the dialog, select the rigid group in which the part or assembly will be included (if a mechanism exists).

  5. Position your part or sub-assembly. By checking Inclusion at origin, the included document will be positioned on the absolute frame.



  • If the above and below options are not required, the part or assembly may be dropped directly from its icon in the tree to the assembly.

  • The first included part or assembly will automatically be fixed (validation of the positioning is not requested), the absolute frame of the part being placed on the absolute frame of the assembly in which it is included. (The Constraint is automatically activated).

  • If a part has several representations and if the current representation is Design, by including this part in an assembly, the detailed representation will be used if the assembly has detailed as current representation. if not, the simplified representation will be used.



  • From a Part document, this command does not allow to manage bi-materials part (if the included part have not the same material). The material information of the included part is ignored. This command allows to reuse shapes to modeling a part.



Available Options:


Mechanism: (Only available for inclusion of assemblies with mechanism).



  • Rigid inclusion: When including an assembly with a mechanism and some configurations, it can be included rigid or not. If Rigid inclusion is checked, the configuration to use can be chosen, but it will be rigid.

  • Use configuration: When several configurations exist in the mechanism, it is possible to select one of them. It will be articulated if it is in the mechanism.

  • Add position constraint: When the Use configuration option is checked, it is possible to automatically create a position constraint during the assembly inclusion.

  • Inherit: If including an assembly with a mechanism, its rigid groups, forces and/or joints can be inherited.



If the mechanism is included as rigid, it is possible to articulate it by using the Articulate contextual command. When it is included articulate, the equivalent contextual command is Make rigid.




Drivers: (Only available for inclusion of families with drivers).



The different available drivers are displayed. Their values can be changed before validating this command.


During the inclusion of a family document with a shell block, the Create positioning option allows you to include the family document by giving the shell block dimensions. This option is not available during the edition of a family document with a shell block driver.


Local Part or Assembly:



This area is displayed when the assembly contains a local part or assembly only (see the Local Part... and Local Assembly... commands for more details).

The button which displays the name of the document or <non specified> allows you to access to a dialog box which displays the local parts or assemblies of the document to include in order to choose one of them.


Advanced Options:


Drivers consistency control: (Only available for inclusion of families with drivers).



If a family with drivers is included in an assembly and then a new driver is created in this family:

  • If the Strict option is not checked, the value of this driver in the generic will be used.

  • If the Strict option is checked, the inclusion will become invalid and will indicate that the driver has no value.

Sub Components button: This button allows to access to the substitution dialog box to force the family, the code and/or the drivers of a subcomponent.


Substituable in upper level:



If this options is activated, this sub-component can be substituted in upper assembly levels by changing its family, its code or drivers.


Sub Components:



This button allows to access to the substitution dialog box to force the family, the code and/or the drivers of a subcomponent.



Modifications / Additional information: