Configuration position



Links / Videos :



This command allows to fix the relative position of several (or all) rigid groups of an articulated sub-assembly so it will be the same than the one defined in one of its configurations. For example, a robot can be included with articulation, but can be imposed to its " configuration" position in the assembly.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Assembly > Other constraints > Configuration Position... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select in the drop-down list, one of the assembly occurences to position.

  2. Select the mechanism configuration to use.

  3. Select All rigid groups to apply this constraint to all rigid groups of the included assembly or select rigid groups to constrain.

  4. Validate.



This constraint can also be automatically created during the inclusion of an assembly with a mechanism by checking the Add position constraint option.



Modifications / Additional information:


The modification, the 'activation/deactivation, the deletion and the renaming can be done from the contextual on the label during the positioning edition or from the Constraints folder of the entities tree.