Sub components substitution




Links / Videos :



This command allows to force the family, the code and/or the drivers of a subcomponent (complex components with several levels of assembly).


Creation stages / Use:


When including a family or editing an inclusion, the Advanced Options section contains the Subcomponents button


  1. Select the sub-assembly or the part to modify (into the assembly structure or in the preview).

  2. Select the modification type to apply:



Global option allows to apply modifications to all parts/sub-assemblies identical to the selected element and available into the sub component.

Possibility to substitute the family, the code and/or drivers.



If a global modification is being applied, this tab allows to not apply the global modification to the selected elements.



This tab allows to modify the selected element only without that others parts/sub-assemblies identical to the selected element are modify too.





On Global tab, modifications could be applied only if the selected element references a function document (substitution of family, code and/or drivers).

Indeed, in order not to unnecessarily fill the list of possible families with families that could be candidates (we do not want screw families to substitute an extruded bar), only families whose the generic file reference the same function could be substituted.

The same regarding the Local tab except that code and/or drivers could be modified even if the generic does not reference any function.



Elements on which a local substitution or exclusion has been done will be underlined in yellow in the structure area.



Available options:




With this option checked all modifications will be instantly visible in the preview area.





This button allows to apply modifications and see them in the preview area when  the Automatic update option is unchecked.





- When replacements are expected, you can also create substitution rules which lets you define how a component is replaced. For example, it can be used to replace all components of a particular type in a single action (like replacing all the door handles of a machine).

- You just have to select a rule in this menu to be taken into account.

- Global substitution has priority over rules. You must remove a global substitution so that rule is taken into account.



Modifications / Additional information:


Substitution area at the bottom of the windows shows you all modifications done on the sub component.

Substitution applied to the selected element in the structure area are underlined in blue.

Right click on a substitution allows to remove the selected substitution or all substitution.