Substitution rules




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This command allows to define how a component is replaced into the substitutions box of a sub component.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Tools > Substitutions rules... command from the drop-down menu.

This command is available from an Assembly document only.


  1. Named the rule.

  2. With the Add button, provide a Function.

  3. Possibility to use a Filter document.

  4. Select a cell in the Substitution column to specify a family, code and/or drivers that will be used as substitution.




Right click on an existing substitution rule from the entities tree give access to the following commands:

  • Apply: If a components already including in the assembly contains sub components that could be modify by the rule, then this command will apply the rule and sub components will be modified.

  • Make current: If a rule is current in the assembly document, then it will be apply automatically including the component if it contains sub components than can be use by the rule.

  • Make not current: This command allows to set a rule not current when it is current.



- Global substitution has priority over rules. You must remove a global substitution so that rule is taken into account.

- A rule could be used only if the generic document references a function document. This allows to not to unnecessarily fill the list of possible families with families that could be candidates.



Available options:




Filter allows to apply a substitution only to a specific type of components that reference the same function document.

For example, with component containing screws of different types, we can apply a substitution rule for countersinking head screws only. Without filter, all screws would be substituted.



Additional information:


The created substitution rules are contained in the Entities tree's Substitution Rules folder.