Local Parts







This command allows you to define a repetition as a local part.


A local part of an assembly is a part that is defined locally in the assembly document and not in a separate part document.

A local part cannot be reused in another assembly.

As opposed to the part designed in place, it is only used once, in the definition assembly.


Creation stages / Use:


Select Modeling > Local Parts... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the repetitions to define as local part.

  2. Check in the list, the properties to inherit. The inherited properties will be filled with their origin values, those non inherited will have empty values. Regardless the property (inherited or not) its value can be changed with the Properties contextual command from the part in the Parts folder of the entities tree (Parameters folder)



Once defined, each copy of the repetition is hidden and replaced by a local shape in the assembly. You can then perform operations individually on each copy.



Cases of use:


This functionality is useful when a repetition modification generates a different geometry for each repetition instance.


Repetition trimming

without defined as local parts

Repetition trimming

after definition as local parts