Import TopSolid v6










Menu Access

Import file

Not available


Interface features:


See the Overview of files exchanges for informations about the maximum supported version,  if operations, assembly and PMI are managed. it is also usefull to know which topology and attributes are exchanged.


Standard publisher: TOPSOLID

Version of TopSolid: All versions v6.

File extensions: .top .dft .mld, .mat

Interface type: one-way (import only).

Data type: 3D wireframe, surface, volume and assembly, draft.



Design document (.top) with parts, in place assemblies or by mounting or mold, draft document (.dft) and material document (.mat) can be imported.



In the case of a mld file, a Mold document is created and sets are filled based on the v6 file’s data (A Side, B Side, To Mold, Block, Mold base…).




Assembly in TopSolid v6


Assembly in TopSolid 7