Profile on edges





This command allows to copy surface edges. The edges that delimit a surface are its border edges. A volume shape does not have any border edges.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Profile on edges...command from the "+" of the path field of the Slot and torgue command. It is also available for all other surface commands which needs a profile to be created (Pipe, Swept, Lofted, Normal, Flat, Imprint, ...)


  1. Select the different edges of the face..

  2. Validate by clicking .



This profile is created "on the fly" during a command use. If this command is canceled or its operation deleted, this profile is also deleted.



A solid shape has no boundary edges. Only edges can be used.



  • Green spheres indicate the selected vertices extremities. When the selection is finished, only 2 spheres can appear if the profile is opened or no sphere can appear if the profile is closed.

  • Several edges on several different shapes can be selected.



In white and blue: the selected edges.

The green spheres : the start and end vertices.
