Parting Surfaces - Planar



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This command allows to create Planar Parting Surfaces ("flat" shape).


Creation stages / Use:


  1. Select the start edge of the surface.
  2. If needed, select the end edge.
  3. Modify the complementary options (see chapter "Available options" for details)
  4. Validate



Available options:



  • Start / end edges:

  • Start edge: The longest possible path of edges in the same plane is automatically proposed.

  • and the End edge is pre-filled with the last edge of the same plane. It is possible to restrict it by choosing a new end edge.

  • Reverse: The direction of detection is reversed, the software automatically recalculates the longest possible path in the other direction from the starting edge.


  • Parting edges only: A filter allows to only select the Parting Edges. If the box is ticked, you will be no longer able to select any edges on the part.

  • Apply to all shapes to split:  This option allows you to create a planar surface "around" several shapes to split in a single operation.


Planar surface, without the option.

Planar surface, with Apply to all shapes to split.



  • Mold frame:

TopSolid'Split recognizes automatically the Opening frame previously defined. However, you can choose another one, or if it doesn't exist, create it "from scratch" . If you need it, Reverse it .


  • Direction:


    • Automatic: According the selected Mold frame, the Shape to Split topology, TopSolid'Split detects automatically the direction to use for the extension of your Guide edges.

    • Manual: You indicate the molding axis for the Extension creation. If it is needed, create it "from scratch"  . If you need it, Reverse it .


  • Limit:


Choose the Limit of your future Extension (it means choose the element that will determinate you surface length):

    • Length:  Set the surface length.

    • Point: You select a point that will be the "end" your Parting Surface. If this point doesn't exist, create it "from scratch" .

    • Stock plane:The software will "end" for you the Parting Surface on the Design external planes of your Stock.

    • Plane: You select a plane that will "end" your Parting Surface. If this plan doesn't exist, create it "from scratch" .


  • End and Start extension mode:


You can manage the Start extension mode and the End extension mode by using several methods:


  • Part

TopSolid'Split analyses the edge path, the part topology at its extremities, the Mold frame and "find" the automatic extension direction.

  • Path

TopSolid'Split extends the edge path previously selected to trim the Planar surface:

  • Internal path

TopSolid'Split selects the le edge path previously selected and trims according the complementary directions.

  • Direction

You set manually a direction. if the expected direction doesn't exist, create it "from scratch" :



The "graphical handles" of the different Extension mode are selectable on screen and allow a mode modification.






  • Fitting:

Allow you to manage the "acceptable" tolerance between 2 surfaces.


  • Smoothing:

Allow you to manage the "acceptable" angular tolerance between 2 surfaces to proceed to an automatic Smoothing operation.