Set |
This command allows you to define sets which will be referenced in the draft.
A set can be a document, part or assembly.
These sets are proposed during the main view creation.
Creation stages / Use:
Click the icon or select the command
View > Set...
from the drop-down menu.
Source document:
Select the opened document to use. The option "<non specified>" will create an empty set. The main views using this set will therefore be empty but it will then be possible to insert another set by editing the view set (right button on the view). |
In the case the source document is an electrode document, the options of this section are different. See chapter "Available options" for more details. |
Assembly or Mounting Shapes: (only for the exploded)
allow to choose the final assembly of the exploded.
allow to select a mounting shapes defined in the exploded files. |
The set can be project by:
The source document has different representations, The projection can only be done by selecting one of them (it is the default proposed option).
Allows to select entities (parts, assemblies) to project. If several entities with at least one of them has a different description have been selected, le description displayed in the title block will indicate "-".
Allows to select one or more sets defined in the assembly document. |
If the source document has several representations, select one to use. |
Main configuration: (only for assemblies)
If the source document has several configurations, select one to use. |
Auxiliary Configurations: (only for assemblies)
If the document contains different configurations, this command allows you to select the configuration displayed in various strokes (for example, minimum, maximum, overall, ....) |
Exploded: (only for exploded)
When an exploded document is projected in a draft, the set to project can be the exploded or mounting stages. |
The created set is called the main set when this command is first used in a draft document. Information from this set that will be used to fill in the title block. If the views created from this set are deleted, the main set is emptied and as a result, so is the title block information:
If no document is open, you can still validate the dialog. The main views using this set will therefore be empty but it will then be possible to insert another set by editing the view set (right button on the view). |
Available Options:
Source document
(specific options for electrode
source document)
the selected source document is an electrode document, the available
options of this section are not the same.
It is possible to select the mode "Assembly" to keep the standard options of this section. By selecting the mode "Electrode", you access to the following options:
If the option above is not activated,the list of the electrodes
from the source document is displayed.
Filters: This option allows you to use visualization filters. For example, a part may be visible or not using these filters.
Trim Volume: This option allows to use a trim volume to show only a part of a projected set.
See help of the trim volume command for explanations about this option. |
Advanced Options:
Modifications / Additional information:
Through the Entities tree, it is possible to edit an existing set (right button on the set to be edited) to modify its source.