Bend note style







This command allows creating a customized bend note style.

This style will then be able to be used during creation of a bend note.

Bend note style means the configuration of the note (display of internal radius, bending angle, bend direction, etc.).



Creation stages:


Select Tools > Styles > Bend note style... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Enter a Name for this new bend note style.

  2. Check Current style to allow this bend note style to be proposed by default when creating a new bend note.

  3. Select the base style on which to rely to create the new style (the settings of this basic style will be those proposed by default when creating the new style).



The modification of a bend note style used as the basic style by another style will automatically cause the latter to be modified.



Available Options:


  • Representation:

This option allows you to select the position of the bend note, either parallel to the bend or exported.

  • Display order:

This option allows the display order of the different information selected to be modified (Internal radius, bending angle, bend direction, etc).

To do this you have to check the cell Order then use the Up and/or Down arrows.


  • It is possible to add 13 different informations to a bend note.

- Index (bends table)

- Internal radius.

- Bending angle.

- Bend direction.

- Description of tool.

- Bending type.

- Unbending method.

- K factor.

- Correction.

- Unrolled length.

- Equivalent K Factor.

- Origin of unbending process.

- Thickness.


  • All this information can be preceded by a prefix.

To do this, use the cell Prefix corresponding to the information to be used and then enter your text.



In the Angle field, you can display bending angles with their sign (+ / -) depending on the direction of the bend: "+" for up bends and "-" for down bends.






Allows to modify the dimension geometry: Text and tolerance positions, dimension line definition, projection lines, ...



Allows to modify dimension extremities: leader style, size, ...






Modifications / Additional information: