Dimension geometry





This option allows to define the dimension geometry. (text and tolerance positions, dimension lines definition, projection lines, ...)


Creation stages / Use:


In dialog of the different dimension commands (dimension, composite dimension, ...) select the Geometry... advanced option.




Allows to define the text and tolerance alignment regarding the dimension geometry.

  • Check the Alignment to position the dimension text above or on the dimension line.

The text is positioned above the dimension line.

The text is centered on the dimension line.

The text is positioned bellow the dimension line.

The text is positioned on the farest side the part geometry .

In the case of a secondary dimension, if values must be one above and the other below the dimension line, use centered on the dimension line.


  • Check the Direction to orient the dimension text of an inclined dimension.

The text is aligned with the inclined dimension.

The text is horizontal.


  • Check Tolerance alignment to position the tolerance text regarding the dimension text.

The tolerance is aligned with the base of the dimension.

The tolerance is centered with the dimension.

  • After the dimension positioning, it is possible to modify the text position by checking Free position: Yes. By changing to No, only 3 dimension text positions are allowed. centered or external. there is no intermediate position.


  • Side export: If this option is set to NO, a text of a vertical dimension will be vertical. If it is set to YES, the text will be horizontal, on a broken line.

Side export = NO

Side export = YES


  • Offset: this field allows to set the offset value of the vertical export dimensions.


  • Length export text orientation: by checking this option, you can define if the export text is oriented in a Horizontal way, or Parallel to dimension line.

 Horizontal exported text

 Parallel to dimension line exported text





Allows to define line dimension settings.

  • Offset with the text or the framing. Allows to define the distance between the baseline of the text and the dimension line if the framing doesn't support a margin definition. Otherwise, this is the distance between the framing and the dimension line.

  • Extension defines the dimension line offset regarding the projection line. Generally, its value is 0mm.

  • Limited by the text is only used for curvature and fillet dimensions. If this option is set to No, the dimension line starts from the arc center. By checking this option, it stops at the text.

Without limited by text (No)

With limited by text (Yes)





Allows to define the settings of the projected lines.

  • Geometry offset allows to modify the distance between the projected line and th dimensioned geometry.

  • Extension allows to modify the projected line extension regarding the dimension line.

  • Circular extension: allows to modify the projected line extension on circular dimension.

  • First and second line allows to show or not projected lines.