Part inclusion





This command allows you to include a part in the unfolding document in order to carry out its unfolding.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Unfolding> Part inclusion ... command from the drop-down menu.


The parts and open sub-sets containing the sheets are proposed in the Source document drop down list .


  1. Select the document containing the sheet to include.

  2. Select the Representation of this part (detailed, simplified, or other).

  3. Select the shape to include. (only one shape can be unfolded by unfolding document).

  4. Allow surfaces allows to unfold surfaces by entering the thickness an by reversing the direction of the thickness if needed.

  5. Validate the inclusion with the button.



  • The positioning of the sheet is done by matching the absolute frame of the document containing the sheet with the absolute frame of the unfolding document.

  • Including a part to flatten simultaneously produces a material management operation that will recover the part material. This operation can not be destroyed or edited and the flattening document material must be the material contained in its part document. In fact, to produce the flattening of a part by changing its material, you must flatten the derived part of the initial part by managing the material change at the level of the derived part.



  • You can rapidly include your part in the unfolding document by selecting it in the project tree then moving it to the unfolding document by holding down the left mouse button then releasing it to complete the

  • You can also create the inclusion from the part tab, by using the Unfolding contextual menu.



Available Options:


All available tools are proposed. To force a global bending tool during the unfolding, check the Force unfolding tool option. In this case, only available tools will be proposed for the current thickness.



  • Forcing the bending tool in the unfolding rule of the sheet metal document, allows to not have to do it when creating the unfolding document. It is possible to not make this choice during the unfolding creation which is interesting if you want to generate automatically unfolding documents via the multi-unfoldings command.

  • You can also force locally a tool with the unfolding process command in the unfolding document.




It is possible to redefine rolling up / breaking rules to use for a part.

  • Limit bending radius: It is the value until the bend will be rolled up or broken.

  • Rolling:

    • Approximation tolerance: It is the breaking approximation precision. 0.1mm is a good value for a lot of cases.

  • Breaking:

    • Number of bending lines: The number of bending lines can be forced. Generally it is a odd number.

    • Automatic number: By checking this option, the number of bending lines will not be taken in account, but it will automatically be calculated regarding the entered spacing. The spacing is defined between 2 bend centers.

    • Intermediate bending lines: Allows to add intermediate bending lines.

    • Alternate intermediate bending lines: This option is only available if the Intermediate bending lines option is checked.

    • The internal bending radius of breaking bends can be forced by entering a value or can be equal to the thickness by checking this option.

By using the Breaking option:

It allows you to quickly force the breaking when flattening a transition shape (hopper), for example.

By using the Rolling option:

It also allows you to unroll a tube by force (so that the cylindrical part is not treated as a bend).


Allows to use another bend table than the defined one. Refer to the Unfolding rules command for more details.




As for derivation, the value of included part parameters can be derivated and can fill parameters of the unfolding document. These parameters can then be used, for example to display their values in a sketch text. They are automatically sent to TopSolid'PuchCut.

Also the inclusion operation automatically fills these following parameters:

- Thickness

- Name of the unfolding rule

- Description of the unfolding rule.


Allows to change the transparency of the bending part which is displayed in the unfolding document.



  • All default setting values can be defined in flattening rule documents.

  • An inclusion can be empty. In this case, to be able to validate the command, the operations preview has to be deactivated. . The goal is to allow to create unfolding document templates with predefined options. All parameters created and maintained by this operation will have the mention "unspecified".



Modifications / Additional information:



  • An unfolding document can only contain a single part.

  • If the bending tool is not imposed, it is selected automatically based on the thickness of the part and the radius to produce.