




This command allows to distribute components along a line in an assembly document.

For example, you can use this command to distribute partitions into an open-space, a handrail and its supports or drawers into a cabinet (distribute 3 drawers by specifying the height of one of them for example).


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Modeling > Distribution... command from the drop-down menu.


It is possible to distribute up to two components at the same time. The components will be included alternately. The first component always appear at the start and the end of the line. So the first component has always one more occurrences that the second component.


One of the component can be a blank space; which allows to get an alternating of a component and a blank space with a given length.


For each component, you can set its length, its position according to the line and its family code as well as the drivers of the component.

The provided length represent the base length along the line. This value is a reference length that will vary according to the settings and options used.


In an assembly document, click the icon or select the command Modeling > Distribution... command from the drop-down menu.




The components that can be used with this commands are family document from distributable part document or assembly.

The generic documents of these family documents must provide the function Distributable component and the family documents must provide the driving Distributable family (by using the command "Tool>Provide Driving"). This driving is available into the library " TopSolid>Components>General ".




Available options:



  • This rubric allows to define the path of the distribution. several modes are available:



Allows to use a sketch, segment, or edge as path.

You also need to define the vertical direction.



Allows to use two points that define the extremities of the path.

You also need to define the vertical direction.



Allows to define the path through a frame and a length.

The frame origin is used as starting points and the Z axis is used as the path direction.



  • Margins: The margins allows you to reduce the total length (profile length or distance between the start and end points or explicit length), they can be the same for each end (equal margins) or different (distinct margins).




Two distribution modes are available:


  • Distribute: The components are positioned with a fix length one after the other until the end of the path line.


  • Mark out: You provide the number of components and their length is adapted so the sum of the components length is equal to the path length.


The "distribute" mode can result in an empty gap at the end (a remainder) too small to be filled with an additional component. While the "mark out" mode never gives remainder.




The first component can be:


A family document:

The drop down list propose all the distributable families from references libraries and project.

One the family chosen, you can select the code and/or the drivers values.


A blank space:

In this mode, the blank spaces are distributed along the line.

This can be useful, for example, if you want to distribute a bar with fixed width and variable blank spaces between the bars.



For each component, you can set its length, its position according to the line and its family code as well as the drivers of the component.

The provided length represent the base length along the line. This value is a reference length that will vary according to the settings and options used.


Sub Components:

This button allows to access to the sub components configuration windows (see Sub Components)

To get access to these settings, you must have activated the advanced option "Substituable in upper level" while assembling the consituents of this component in the generic document.




The second component has an additional mode:


No component:

Allows to distribute only one component.




These two rubrics allows to define the initial positioning of the first and second component.

  • Orientation: the orientation angle applies a rotation of the component around the axis defined by the path line.

  • Invert: turn around the component around the vertical direction defined in the first rubric.

  • Key Points: allows to choose the hooking point of the component on the path line. To select the key point, just select it in the component graphic preview.

  • Horizontal / Vertical shift: if needed, you can apply a vertical or horizontal shift to the position of the component.





  • Numbering:

This option describe the way the component are ordered along the line:

    • Ascending / Descending: the components are ordered one after the other from the starting point (ascending) or from the end (descending) of the path line.

    • Alternate Ascending / Descending: in these modes the first component is positioned on one extremity and the second one at the other extremity and so on.



The alternate mode is important when the number of components can change (modification of the component length or the path line length).

Thus, whatever the number of occurrence of the component, it will always be the occurrence 1 and 2 that are located at the extremities of the path. So this make the design more reliable if you used these occurrences to create other entities.



With the Distribute distribution mode, the following options becomes available:


  • Remaining length:

With the "Distribute" mode, you may get a remainder (empty gap). This option allows you to specify if this remainder must be at the end, at the start or distributed on both extremities of the path line.


  • Remainder distribution mode:

It is possible to decide how you manage the remainder:

    • Do not distribute: the blank space of the remainder is left in its state.

    • Fill remainder: the blank space is filled with an additional component. But only if the remainder length is higher that the value provided in the option "Minimum for filling".

    • Distribute remainder: the length of the included occurrences is extended so their cumulated length fill the blank space of the remainder.

    • Distribute one more: an additional occurrence is added and the length of all occurrences is reduced so this additional component will fill the remainder.


  • Modified component:

If you distribute two components, and the remainder is distributed (Distribute remainder or Distribute one more), you can choose to alter the first component, the second or both.


Remainder spread mode:

When you alter the length of both component, you can add or remove either an equal value of length on both component or a proportional length value according to the reference length given for each family component.




Modifications / Additional information:



In the graphic area, a numbered label is created for each occurrence of the components. You can drag these labels (using drag and drop).

In the contextual menu that appear on a label, you have access to the commands "Exception" and "reset position" (if the label has been moved). It is also possible to start the command Exception if you double-click on the label.


This command open a dialog box that allow to replace this specific occurrence. You can replace the family by another, replace a blank space by a family, change the code or drivers of the family,...

If you want to change the length without changing the family, you must give the length value and leave the family list empty.

You can replace a family by a black space: select the black space option and give the length if you want a specific dimension, or leave the length field empty to keep using the reference length.


If you need to modify the geometry of  some occurrences (drilling, pocket, trimming,.....) you need to convert them into local part as you would do for a repetition.


Distributable component:

The creation of a component that can be used with this command follow the same conception method as any other common parameterized component.

To make this component available into the family list of the Distribution command, you need as well to:



On this function, you need to provide the following publications:



  • Top Right Point: this is the upper right point of the component on the XY plane of the provided frame bellow.


  • Bottom Left Point: this is the lower left point of the component on the XY plane of the provided frame bellow.


  • Additional Key Points: allows to define additional key points you may need to position your component.


  • Frame: the plan XY of this frame must be normal to the distribution line (the Z axis represent the direction of the distribution line).


  • Length: it must be associated with the parameter that drives the length of the component (the variable dimension along the distribution line).