Work Manager




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The Work Manager panel (can be abbreviated to WM) allows to centralize the tasks to be processed, to group them and to select them to produce works, all in a multi-users environment.




This module is protected by a license.




Creation stages / Use:


The Work Manager panel can be shown/hidden by using TopSolid7 button > View > Work Manager... command.


The usual WM operating process consists of:





A task describes an object to be treated by the WM. This will be done through a Work.

A support is used as a task but it will be used for work documents with nesting processes.


Create task / support can be done by:

  • Drag-and-drop of a check-in document in the Document column of the WM panel.

  • Right-click on a chek-in document from the project tree, then select the Work Manager > Tasks / Supports command.

  • Right-click on a BOM document (for tasks creation only).

Double click on a task / support allows to open its characteristics to modify them.


Delete task / support:

Select the task / support to be considered and click the Delete task / support icon.

A task / support whose the process is in progress cannot be deleted.


Process in progress tasks cannot be used to create new work document.






This tab allows to create and manage Work documents use to execute processes.


Create work:

To create a work, you must select tasks first in the Tasks tab by checking the cells (if necessary, select supports too in the Supports tab).

Then from the Work tab select the Create work icon.

A dialog box allows to select the project and the destination folder of the work document.

Possibility to use a work document template.

The Work document is created, and the corresponding work is created in the WM panel.


Once the processes executed, and if results suit you, you can achieve the work using the Achievment command.


Delete work:

To clean WM panel, you can delete achieved works.

Select the work to be considered and use the Delete work icon. An option allows to delete the work document too.

When a work is achieved, delete it delete associated tasks too.


  • A work document created from the WM is linked with it. To make the difference with a free work type document (created outside the WM), the icon of the Work tab of the work document created from the WM is symbolized with a chain.

  • Deleting a Process in progress work, status of associated tasks change from Process in progress to Processable. It is recommended to delete the associated Work document simultaneously.

  • If a work is deleted from the Work Manager without delete the associated work document you will have a work document created from the Work Manager but without work into the WM. The Free command allows to break the link with the Work Manager in order to have a free work document. The icon describes above is modified and there is no chain anymore.





Available options:



Quick filters:

On the top of each columns a field allows to enter string. This text will be used to filter display of the corresponding column.

Icon on the right of this field allows to choose how to filter (right click on the icon).

Available options change according to data display in the column.


Filters configuration:

Filters created here will be available for user who create them only.

There are created as usual adding properties.

Filters can be done on user properties (see below) define on tasks / supports. These properties are available in Company Configurations (Work Manager) of User section.


Company filters configuration:

Identical to the filters above. Allows to create filters available for all users.

This command is available for Admin user only (and so only in Pdm server mode).




This option allows to customize the contain of Tasks and Supports windows in order to add/delete properties.

In this Columns configuration window, it will be possible to modify order of properties, to force column title and to modify format.




Using Work Manager in Pdm server mode with several users, this command allows to update WM information and make them visible for users.

  • Example 1: Admin creates tasks and save the WM. User will see these tasks once he will select the Save / Synchronize command too.

  • Example 2: Admin assigns tasks to U1 (with right click on the User column), he does not save the WM, tasks status change to Modified. As long as U1 does not use Save / Synchronize, he will not see this change (and he will have an error message trying to modify a task). As U1 activates the Save command, tasks status are updated and change to Locked. Now Admin save the WM too, tasks are modified to Up to date. And the same for U1 as he will select Save / Synchronize.




It is possible to define user properties associated to tasks and supports.

Creating tasks and supports, these properties will be available for each entity.

This data will mainly be used for information, sorting and selection (by filters) of tasks and supports, before the creation of work.


Once the dialog box is validated, it no more possible to delete a property created before (tasks and supports could use them).

However, it is possible to Disable an existing property. This one will not be available anymore in all dialogs using tasks / supports.





This icon allows to start or stop the Work Manager.

  • Green icon: Work Manager is started.

  • Red icon: Work Manager is stopped.




This dialog box allows to manage connection to WorkManager server from TopSolid.

  • Enter the computer name (or IP adress) of machine hosting the WorkManager service (see below).

  • Data service listening port (enter the same value as in the WorkManager service describe below).

  • Lock service listening port (enter the same value as in the WorkManager service describe below).





This command allows to administer and manage the setting options of the local WorkManager server.

It is not available in Pdm server mode. In this case the WorkManager server is manage outside TopSolid using the TopSolid'WorkManager Server service.

See Help dedicated to this command for more information.




This icon opens a window to display document preview.




Modifications / Additional information:




The WM also aims to organize the processing of tasks between several users.

In Pdm server mode, tasks and works are assigned to users. By default, tasks are assigned to the user who creates them.


Options for assigning users are different depending on whether you are an administrator or a standard user.

  • Administrator can assign any task to any user (if the task is not Process in progress). It is also possible to assign a task to no user.

  • Standard user can modify task user only if they are assigned to him or assigned to nobody.

Assignation to users is done making a right click on the User column.


See also the Save / Synchronize section above.





The work status information, available in the Work status column of the Works tab of the WM, is also visible in the icon bar of the Work document, between the Achievment and Free commands.

This information is available in this menu if the work is manage by the WM only.