TopSolid'Erp connection




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This command allows to define the connection settings to TopSolid'Erp.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the  icon Connection parameters... from the Work Manager window..


  1. Enter the TopSolid'WorkManager server name or its IP address.

  2. Enter the listening port for the data server to use: This port is used for the communication between the client and the server. By default the port is 8006. (8005 for a local server).

  3. Enter the listening port for the lock server. When a user modifies a document, the lock information is given to all connected users via this port. By defaut it is set to 1106. (1105 for a local server).

  4. Validate.



The TopSolid'WorkManager server can be local for a work alone usage or in client/server mode for a multi-users usage.



In a Local TopSolid'WorkManager server case, the name can be Localhost or its ip can be



  • This service must be launched to be able to use Work documents in TopSolid.

  • The listening ports defined upper have to be open (inlet and outlet) on the server and clients firewalls. The mode is TCP.