Work - Processes




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Tab of Work document.

This tab allows to define, configure and execute a list of actions to apply to tasks or to results of previous processes.


Creation stages / Use:


The Selections area allows to define processes to be applied, from a list of available processes.

The Configuration area allows to configure the process selected from the processes to aplly list.

The Executions area allows to run / cancel execution of processes to apply.




Select an Available process and add it in Processes to apply using the green arrow.

  • Processes can be added at any time.

  • It is possible to add the same process several times.

  • Blue arrows allow you to adjust the order of execution of the processes.

  • It is not possible to modify this order if one or more processes have already been executed.


To remove a process, select it from the Processes to apply list and use the red arrow.

It is not possible to remove a process if it has already been executed.

It is not possible to move a process if the move leads to an inconsistency in the order of the processes (for example if a process using a folder creation process is moved before the latter). In this case, the arrows to move a process will be grayed out.





You can modify the default name of the process you are configuring.


Documents to consider area.

Select documents to consider (available documents depend of selected process).

Choose their origin:

  • Task: Documents define by the task (parts or assemblies or ...).

  • Process result: Documents result of previous processes.

  • All documents: All documents define by the task (ex. all parts) and all documents result of previous processes.

The Processes column allows to define previous processes as origin process of document to use. Click the cell to access to the list of previous executed processes.

The Filters column allows to select a Filter document that will be used to filter document to consider by the process. Click to the cell to access to the list of available filter document in the project and referenced projects.


Created documents area.

This area allows to configure options of documents to be producted by the process.

  • Template document (drafting, ...).

  • Destination of documents to create (Source folder, Specified folder or Process folder).

  • Open document after process.

Regarding destination, if the selected option is Specified folder, TopSolid will ask the user to enter the destination folder. It will be display in the Folder column.

During the execution, if this folder does not exist in the project it will be created automatically.





The Execute button allows to run the execution of all processes that have not been executed yet.

After processes execution, the Results tab is activated automatically.

But it is possible to come back to the Processes tab to consul processes results:

  • The State column gives us the information if the process has been Executed or not.

  • The Result column gives us the information of the process result: Success or Failed.

  • The Messages column displays messages created by the process while its execution.

Selecting the Messages cell, TopSolid displays all messages of the process. These messages can be of three types: Information, Warning or Error.


The Cancel button allows to cancel one or several selected processes (canceling must be done from the end of the list).

Documents created by canceled processes will be removed (after confirmation of user).


When a process has produced invalid documents and failed, executions of subsequent processes are blocked.

The user can manually repair the invalidities in the document concerned. And then declare the failed process as corrected by the user (subsequent runs can then resume).


This is done by calling the Declare as fixed... context command available on the failed process.

The command checks whether all documents created or modified by the process are valid.

If this is not the case, the manual fix is rejected.

If the documents are valid, the command requests confirmation from the user. If the fix is confirmed, the process result is changed to Success (manually fixed), and executions can be resumed.




Processes are defined by TopSolid applications, the list of Available processes depends on TopSolid add-ins installed on the computer.

This is why a process displays its add-in in brackets.

Exchanging a TopSolid package, or opening a Work document on another computer in the same company, it may happen that an add-in use for a process is not available on the computer. In this case, these processes will be highlighted with a MISSING information in the State column and the Work document will be deactivated.



Available options:




This button gives access to the advanced configuration of the process (when the selected process allows it).

It is not possible to configure an already executed process (in this case the button is grayed).

The display area under the button shows the current configuration.





This option interrupts the process execution at the end of the execution of the specified process.

This allows to check preliminary results before to continue the execution of all others precesses.



Modifications / Additional information: