




This treatment allows to create a folder according to user-defined settings


Creation stages / Use:


From the Processes tab of a Work document, select the Folder process among the Available processes and add it to the Processes to apply.


  1. Click the Advanced Configuration button to set up the folder.

  2. Select the origin of the base folder (destination folder) and Define it using the button of the same name.

  1. Ability to define an additional folder (sub-folder of the base folder) named with characters and PDM data (user name and creation date).

This is optional. If it is not indicated TopSolid will only use the base folder.




To retrieve the folder created by this treatment in subsequent treatments, select the Process folder type from the Destination column of the Created documents area of the process configuration. Then specify the process to be used in the proposed choice dialog. Only the processes of the Folder creation type are offered.



It is not possible to delete a folder creation process if it is used in a process executed after it.



Available options:




Allows you to enter characters (or separators).




Select the data type to display, such as creation date or other.

For the creation date, you must also enter the date format.




You can change, delete or re-order the part numbering using the Modify, Delete, Up or Down buttons.


Modifications / Additional information: