Imported parting surfaces |
This command allows you to consider surfaces, previously imported into the split document, as parting surfaces to be used to create the parting shells. It is useful when the parting surfaces are provided with the part to split.
This command is not dedicated to assign to the parting surfaces set a surface created in the Split document. To do this, use the contextual command Add in Parting Surfaces Set.
Creation stages / Use:
Select the Split > Imported parting surfaces... command from the drop-down menu.
Select the imported surfaces in the document
Apply or not the shrinkage factor applied to the part
Validate .
This command is only available from the drop-down menu. However, it is possible to Customize your Toolbars with this command. |
Available options:
Imported parting surfaces :
Modifications / Additional information:
The surfaces imported in the Split document are parts. This command create new shapes, automatically inserted in the parting surfaces set.