Chamfer dimension style






This command allows you to create a customized chamfer dimension style.

This style can then be used when creating a chamfer dimension.

A chamfer dimension style is the configuration of the dimension (prefix/suffix, number of decimals, fonts, end type, ...)


Creation stages:


Select Tools > Styles > Chamfer dimension style... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Specify a name for this new chamfer dimension style.

  2. Check Current style to allow this chamfer dimension style to be proposed by default when creating a new chamfer dimension.

  3. Specify the base style on which to rely to create the new style (the settings of this basic style will be those proposed by default when creating the new style).



Modifying a dimension style used as the basic style by another style will automatically cause the modification of the latter.


Available Options:


  • Prefix: This option allows you to add a prefix to the chamfer dimension.


  • Suffix: This option allows you to add a suffix to the chamfer dimension.


  • Separator: This option allows you to modify the separator between the dimension and the angle. For example, you can write 1 to 45° or 1x30°.


  • Angle visibility: This option allows to display or not the angle of the dimension. With the Visible option, the dimension will be like this:5 x 45°. With the Hidden option, the same dimension will be like this:5. The Inherited from style option allows to get the setting from the used style.




  • Allows to modify dimension extremities: leader style, size, ...


Modifications / Additional information: