Rigid group driving task







This command allows to define a rigid group driving task without having defined all other joints. Displacements will be translations and rotations.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Simulation > Rigid group driving task... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Enter a name, it will be proposed in the scenario.

  2. Select a kind of driving (see explanations below).

  3. Select a rigid group to drive and its driving frame.(All displacement values of the rigid group are regarding this frame).

  4. Enter times, translation and rotation values regarding the different axes by clicking in corresponding cells.

  5. Validate by clicking .



The vector defined by the X, Y and Z rotation is used as rotation axis, the norm of this vector is used as rotation angle around this axis.


The task must be compatible with existing joints. For example, if a rigid group has a planar joint with another, the translation along Z will not be possible. If the rigid group has a rigid joint, no movement will be possible.



Available Options:




The driving frame is linked with the part. It is defined according to the part position in the design configuration.

Consequently, if a part has a different position/orientation in another configuration, the relative position between the part and its driving frame is not the same. The resulting movement of the task may be different according to the current configuration.



It is possible to select a frame by clicking it directly in the graphic workspace.





Allows to create a circular displacement by adding a displacement and a rotation.

Bellow is an example with the Translation Y=20mm and a Rotation Z=90°:

Without Circular option

With Circular option




Driving: (example with the table below)


The green part moves on a plate with the following task values:

The task is added two times to the scenario with a waiting time of 1 second between the two tasks.



Translation X

Translation Y

Translation Z

Rotation X

Rotation Y

Rotation Z
























Entered values are regarding the initial position of the time 0s.At the end of the first task, the part comes back to the departure point and start the second task. A value of 0 indicates that the part comes back to the departure point of the direction.




The first task is done like with absolute mode, but after the second task continues where the first task has stopped. A value of 0 indicates that the part comes back to the departure point of the direction.




Values are incremental regarding the previous position, the second task begins where the first has stopped. The position and the orientation of the part is kept. A value of 0 indicates that the part stays on the previous point of this direction.




It is recommended to use the incremental mode instead of the absolute one. In fact, with the absolute mode, you have to indicate the final position for each step, which can be complicate if the group has turned.