Sheet metal by thickening






This command creates a sheet metal by thickening of one or more faces of a shape.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Sheet Metal > Sheet Metal by Thickening... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the shape to transform to sheet metal (the handle and thickness modification label will be created on this face).

  2. Enter the value of the thickness of your sheet metal (the Invert mode inverts the direction of thickness of the basic shape of the sheet metal).

  3. Select the special faces of your shape and their conservation mode:



Basic shape with selected faces in red.

Resulting sheet metal




Basic shape with selected faces in red.

Resulting sheet metal




Root face

(View from above)

Option unchecked: The resulting sheet metal remains parallel to the basic shape.

Option checked with inversion of thickness of the upper face.



  1. Validate the sheet metal creation with the button.


Available Options:




By checking this option, you can add bends to each vertex of your selection. These bends can be defined by different ways:

The indicated radius corresponds to the inner bending radius.


Manual: The radius has to be entered.


Thickness: The radius is synchronised with the thickness of the sheet metal.


Unfolding rules: The radius of bend to use is search in the table defined in the unfolding rules associated to the part. According to the thickness of the sheet metal to consider, TopSolid uses the first favorite bending radius found in the list of available radii.




Check the All sharp edges option to rapidly create a bend with the inner bend radius indicated on all the square edges of your parts.


The Delimit bends option allows to isolate faces of the bend from those of connected faces for example to be able to use the covering.


Without Delimit bends option

With Delimit bends option


This option can be activated by editing the command or by using the Delimiting of Bend command.


When you have indicated the bends on certain edges, the Break square edges option automatically creates edge relief operations with the offset value indicated on the remaining square edges.