Piping Line







This command allows you to create a piping line along a sketch. This piping line consists of rectilinear tubes and elbows.


The project must reference a library with piping components to be able to use this command.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Modeling > Piping Line... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Enter the name and the description of the piping line.

  2. Select the piping rule to use.

  3. Select the tube and the elbow to use and validate with

  4. The next step is to create a piping sketch. When it is finished, validate the sketch edition.


The piping line is created with this contour.



The support profile must be opened, and it must contain only successive straight segments. All other kind of segment (fillets, chamfers, arcs or others...) are not taken in account during the piping line creation.

It is possible to use these king of segments as construction segments.



Available Options:



This option allows you to select the piping rule document to use.

A piping rule document defines the functions used to create tubes, elbows, and connections.



This option allows you to enter the diameter minimum value for the piping line. The available sizes drop-down list for tubes and elbows is automatically filtered in order to only list values greater or equal to the entered size. The minimal diameter is only taken into account for new sketches. The fact to edit an existing sketch and to change the value will have no incidence on this existing line, but will have if a new sketch is added.



This option allows you to select families to use and the minimal thickness to use for tubes and elbows. The available sizes drop-down list for tubes and elbows is automatically filtered in order to only list values greater or equal to the entered size. Minimal thickness are only taken into account for new sketches. The fact to edit an existing sketch and to change the value will have no incidence on this existing line, but will have if a new sketch is added.



Allows to define the neutral fiber representation of the piping line when it is projected in a draft document.

  • Style: select the neutral fiber style.

  • Attributes: by checking this option, you can set the type of line, its thickness and its color. Delete the color by clicking the cross.

  • Half tone: Uses the half tone of the selected color.(black becomes gray, ....)


Additional information:


Operations Tree:

A "Generation (Piping Line n)" operation is generated when a piping line is created.

This operation contains the total creation steps of the piping line: piping sketch generation, piping creation, components inclusion, neutral fiber creation,...)


Entity Tree:

The piping line is found in the shape folder. By detailing its contents, a list of all parts that make up the line displays (tubes, elbows and neutral fiber sketches, etc.)




To modify the creation of the piping line, use the popup menu from the entity or operations tree.


You can insert components (reducers, tees, flanges...) from the piping line by using the Insert contextual command.