Piping Line |
This command allows to create a 3D sketch which is the base for the piping line. This sketch uses the 3D sketch Contour command mixed with the piping line creation. The components (flanges, tees, reducers,...) could be added with the Insert contextual command.
Creation stages / Use:
Click the icon or select the Modeling > Piping line... command from the drop-down menu.
Enter a name and a description for your piping line.
Select the piping rule to use with this piping line.
Enter the minimal diameter for this piping line. The tubes and elbows with a diameter near but upper or equal to the minimal diameter will be used. For example, if it exits some tubes with diameters of 15mm, 20.3mm and 32 mm, by entering 20mm or 20.3mm as minimal diameter, it is the tube with a diameter of 20.3mm which will selected. A minimum diameter of 0mm allows to use tubes and elbows with the smallest diameter.
Select the type of tube and elbow to use and validate with
The next stage consists in creating the trajectory (neutral fiber) of your piping line via 3D sketch commands. Reminder: to change the plane, use CTRL+Space keys. When finished, validate this sketch edition.
Validate the sketch.
This dialog is only used for the creation of a new piping line or to complete the sketch of an existing line. To modify the diameter of an existing line, you have to:
Available Options:
Minimal thickness:
For the same diameter, different thickness for tubes and elbows can exist. The entered minimal thickness allows to use the tube and the elbow with the near upper thickness. A minimal thickness of 0mm allows to use the thinnest thickness. |
Neutral Fiber:
Allows to define the neutral fiber representation when the piping line is projected in a draft.
Modifications / Additional information:
The Show tubes and elbows mode allows to show or hide tubes and elbows during the piping line sketch edition.
To modify the sketch, use the Edit sketch contextual command from the piping line to modify.
To modify one of the information upper after validating the piping line, use the Edit contextual command from the piping line to modify.
To add component on the piping line (Flanges, reducers, tees, ...) use the Insert contextual command on the piping line to modify.