Physical Properties (Part)





This command manages or imposes the physical properties of an entity.


Creation stages / Use:

Click the icon or select the Tools > Physical properties... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Check or not Automatic

  2. Each property can be managed using 3 modes:


The different types of manageable physical properties are:



  • The checked Automatic option can cause losses of performance while every entity modification causes a new calculation of the checked physical properties.

  • The values of the different physical properties can be viewed in the Parameters folder of the entities tree.

  • The values of the different physical properties are only updated when the Analysis stage is activated.

  • In automatic mode, the main frame for the moments of inertia is the absolute frame.



  • The mass, the center of mass and the moments of inertia must be managed for the dynamic simulations.

  • The mass, center of mass and moments of inertia cannot be calculated if No Material is unchecked.

  • If the mass is managed manually, the others properties (Center of mass, moments of inertia...) must be managed manually too, otherwise they will be calculated with informations of automatic mass.

  • To display the physical properties in the entity tree, switch to analysis mode.



Modifications / Additional information:


The modification can also be accessed form the Parameters folder of the entities tree using the popup menu on the property.