Options: General




Links / Videos :



This section allows to modify general options of TopSolid.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Tools > Options... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the General section from the column on the left.



Available options:


  • Icon Size: This option allows you to change the size of TopSolid system icons. This change requires restarting the application.

  • Help:

  • Local: for users without Internet access, the local version of the online help is available with this option active.

  • Online: the online help is published on the Internet. With this option active, the user benefits from an immediate update.

  • Units:

    • Metric / Imperial: This options allows you to use metric units (mm, m, g, etc.) or imperial units (in, ft, lb, etc.).

    • Check or uncheck Always display the length unit in input fields as needed.

  • Documents:

    • Use English for new elements automatic names: For the library designers who want to share their jobs, this options can be used to force the English language for the names of the created entities whatever the application language.

This option cannot be applied on automatic translated operations.

For example, in the French version,  the name of a block generated by the block creation command is Bloc whatever the value of this option. This name will be automatically translated into Block when the document is opened in an English version of TopSolid.

    • Check integrity of the saved files: This option allows you to read the document just after the saving in order to ensure the data integrity. However, its can increase the saving time (around 15%).

    • No healing update, ignore document options: This option allows you to force the de-activation of the healing update whatever the value defined in the document options (see Healing Update command).

    • No tolerant update, ignore document options: This option allows you to force the de-activation of the tolerant update whatever the value defined in the document options (see Healing Update command).

  • Undo:

    • Manage undo only on current document: When this option is checked, the undo is only managed for the current document. The fact to switch to another document empties the undo list.

    • Maximum number of commands to undo per document: Allows to enter the number of commands listed in the undo command.

    • Maximum memory to use for undo per document: Allows to limit the the number of commands listed in the undo regarding the memory usage.

  • Processors: Allows you to specify a number of unused processors so they can be retained for other applications. By default, when the value is set to zero, all the available processors are used.

  • Frequently used documents: The history of the last used documents is saved, and these documents are displayed at the beginning of the list in the dialogs that offer a document selection (such as choosing a family in the Extruded Bar command, for example). The cursor allows you to specify the number of documents to display.

  • Automation: Allows to manage the Automation remote access by entering a port number.