Edit cut by box |
This command allows to configure the graphic cut used when positioning/editing an extruded bar.
Creation stages / Use:
Select the Edit cut by box... icon available in the top right-hand corner of the graphics area when positioning an extruded bar.
Specify box dimensions on the various axes or from the box handles in the graphics area.
The graphic cut is ephemeral, which means that if the user changes positioning mode, or if the user quits the extruded bar dialog, then the cut view is deleted and the initial graphic configuration is restored. |
The graphic cut is incompatible with realistic rendering. If this rendering is current, Topsolid automatically switches to shaded rendering when the graphic cut is used. |
Available options:
Cut color:
If the Display cut option is active, the cut plane will be in the color specified by the user. Color customization is only possible if the Use shapes color option is disabled.
Cut hatches:
Allows to select hatches to be displayed of the cut faces.
Allows to enter the hatch orientation.
Display cut:
If this option is unchecked, the parallel faces behind the cut plane are not displayed. The parts are hollowed like if they were surfaces. If this option is checked, the 2 options below are ungrayed, and the cut will be displayed with the selected color and hatches.
Display cut edges:
When the command is validated, the cut faces edges are thickened to visualize them properly.
Preview cut edges:
During the dynamic preview, the cut faces edges are thickened to visualize them properly.
Cut sketches:
Sketches intersected by the box will also be cut.