Insert Surfaces |
This command allows to create the Insert surfaces needed by your Parting shells creation in TopSolid'Split.
Étapes de création / Utilisation :
Creation stages / Use:
Click the
icon or select the Split > Insert
Surfaces... command from the drop-down menu.
Select the Shape To Split to handle.
According your design, choose the suitable Mode.
Choose the Limit of your future insert
And give its Direction.
If TopSolid'Split is not able to automatically trim the Insert Surfaces, create the missing shut off surfaces.
Validate .
Available options:
Insert Surfaces:
This option creates the insert surfaces by following the draft of the basing faces of the selected parting edges.
Shut Off Surface:
If TopSolid'Split is not able to automatically trim the Insert Surfaces, create the missing shut off surfaces. Several modes are available to build them:
Advanced Options:
Modifications / Additional information:
The Insert Surface must be used only if the Insert doesn't "touch" the Parting Surface. In such a case, you will have to define a Parting Surface to design the Insert.
During their validation, the Insert Surfaces are automatically assigned to the Parting Surfaces set in the Entities tree.
Surface attributes can be determined by the Parting surface set.