



This command allows you to pre-define the various colors and transparencies to be to be applied to shapes included in the Parting Surfaces, Core Cavity Blocks, Inserts and Action Inserts sets.


Creation stages / Use:


Choose the Split Blocks > Attributes > Sets... command from the Options tree of a Split document.


    1. Determine the desired colors of shapes to be included and removed from the different sets.

    2. Validate .





  • It's a good idea to adjust this in a Split template.



Available options:



  • Parting surfaces inclusion: The chosen colors and transparencies are applied to the surfaces added to the set, in place of their current color.

  • Parting surfaces deletion: The chosen colors and transparencies are applied to the surfaces removed to the set, in place of their current color.

  • The same options are defined for the Core Cavity Blocks, Inserts and Action Inserts sets.



  • The Unspecified color preserves the current colors of a shape when its inclusion and/or deletion from a set.