Bill of material table






This command allows a dimension table to the inserted in your draft document.


Creation stages:


Select the Detailing > Bill of material table... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the reference bill of material. The bill of material document has to be opened.

  2. Select the set to project to be able to filter its content.

  3. Choose the filtering type of the bill of material:

  4. Select the first point of the table or a segment.

  5. If you have picked a point, select the second point.

  6. Validate the command.



This table can be exported in a csv file or text file.



Available Options:


  • Grouping headers:

When defining the BOM columns, if the Allow grouping option was used on some properties, then the Visibles option allows this grouping to be carried out in the table.


Option Allow grouping checked for the DESCRIPTION column.

It has been made visible in the bill of materials table with a background of the cell.


  • Style: allows you to assign a text style to the content or to force the position of the text (Left, Centered or Right).

  • Table cell style: allows you to assign a table cell style to customize the text alignment, background and borders.



  • Sub totals:

When defining the BOM columns, if the Allow subtotal option was used on some properties, then the Visibles option allows to do this count on these columns in the table.


Option Allow subtotal checked for TOTAL LENGTH column and it has been made visible in the bill of materials table of the drafting.


  • Style: allows you to assign a text style to the content or to force the position of the text (Left, Centered or Right).

  • Table cell style: allows you to assign a table cell style to customize the text alignment, background and borders.



  • Split type:

Allows to cut the table if it is too long and split it in several parts positioned side by side or on other pages of the document.

    • None: No split

    • Same page: The split parts of the table are positioned side by side on the same page.

    • Multi-page: The split parts of the table are positioned on the other pages of the document.


  • Repeat heading:

Allows to repeat the heading of the bill of material.


  • Split merged cells:

When several cells are merged, the resulting cell cannot be merged by default.

This option allows you to authorize the splitting of the table on a merged cell.


  • Top limits:

Allows to place a point which will limit the table at the top. It is necessary to place the point on the table.


  • Bottom limits:

Allows to place a point which will limit the table at the bottom. It is necessary to place the point on the table.


  • On right side:

By default, the table is offset on the left, with this options the offset is on the right.



When using the multi-page option, TopSolid uses internal margins of the format to position the splitted table.




  • Hook points:

Allows to specify if the hook points correspond with the top or bottom of the table.


  • Heading:

Allows to position the title line on bottom or top of the table.


  • Reading direction:

Allows the reading direction of the table to be indicated (from bottom to top or from top to bottom).


  • Margin width:

Allows you to define the horizontal margin. This is the distance between the vertical border of the cell and the start or end of the text.


  • Margin height:

Allows you to define the vertical margin. This is the distance between the horizontal border of the cell and the start or end of the text.


  • Heading / Content:

  • Visible: Allows you to control the visibility of the title line.

These two sub-rubricks allow to define:

  • Style : Select the text style to use here: normal style (default style) or a customized style.

  • Line height : the line height can be "Automatic" (it adapts to the content) or "fixed" with a specified value/



  • When the height is fixed, it can also be modified with a drag and drop of the upper separation of this line.

  • It is possible to merge table cells that are side by side and have same information. On the BOM document, edit BOM columns and check option "Merge identical value".






To modify an already inserted bill of material table, just select it with a right button and select the Edit command.


It is also possible to manually modify the contain and the appearance of the table. To do that, use the "Edit table" contextual command.


Margins: Allows you to change the values of all margins of all cells.


Edit Text Style: Allows you to modify the text style of the table (Font, Height, ...) of the selected cell.

Edit line properties : Allows to modify the text style and the height of the selected line. If a line height is set to "fixed" mode with a value, it is also possible to modify the height by doing a drag and drop of the upper frontier of the line.

Border Type: Allows you to modify the border type of the selected cell by selecting the type, thickness and color of the lines as well as the borders to modify.

Background Color: Allows you to change the background color of the selected cell.

Make modifiable / Scraping: Allows to change the content of a cell manually. Select the cell then this icon.

The modified cells are shown on a yellow background. This color can be customized in drafting options.

Right click on a modified cell allows to rotate it.

Insert Setting: Allows you to add the text setting to the cell.

Align Top: Allows you to align the contents of the cell to the top.

Centered: Allows you to center the contents of the cell.

Align Bottom: Allows you to allow the contents of the cell to the bottom.