Manufacturing Index






This command allows to apply automatically the manufacturing indexes property to the part  of a bill of material.

The command is only available if the bill of material uses the Flat or Assembly Only modes.


Creation stages / Use:


Select the Bill of Material > Manufacturing Index... command from the drop-down menu.




What the command does:


  • If the occurrence property "Manufacturing Index" already exists on the part/sub-assembly occurrence in the source assembly, its value will be re-initialized by the value of the BOM index.

  • If the occurrence property "Manufacturing Index" does not exist, TopSolid creates and applies this property to the part/sub-assembly occurrence and then displays it in the column.


  • The system parameter "Bill of material type" is set as

    • Part Manufacturing if the bill of material uses the Flat mode.

    • Assembly Manufacturing if the bill of material uses the Assembly Only mode.

 This parameter is used by the bill of material tables in draft documents.



It is possible to obtain a list of modified manufacturing indexes by displaying the property Previous Manufacturing Index in a BOM column. Similarly to the manufacturing indexes, these indexes can be reset via the Bill of Material > Clear Previous Manufacturing Index command.


Whenever the Manufacturing Index command is selected, and only from this command:

  • TopSolid assigns the value of the current Manufactring Index of the occurrence as Previous Manufacturing Index. This is only done if the Manufacturing Index was defined and if its value has not changed.

  • TopSolid assigns the value of the Index calculated by the bill of material a Manufacturing Index.





Modifications / Additional information:


The manufacturing indexes are displayed in a specific column. Thus in order to visualize this values, you need to add the column "Manufacturing Index".

The color of this column indicates that the displayed value comes from an occurrence property. This color can be configured in "Tools > Options > Bill of material"


If the occurrence property "Manufacturing Index" is modified manually in the assembly, its new value is updated in the bill of material.

Vice versa, if the value is defined manually in the bill of material, the value is applied on the corresponding occurrence in the assembly.


It is possible to delete all the manufacturing index at once by using the command Clear Manufacturing Index.