Automatic bill of material Index








This command allows you to automatically locate all parts of a view.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Detailing > Automatic bill of material Index... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the reference bill of materials.

  2. Select the reference view.

  3. Select the index style to use.



  • BOM indexes are automatically placed on the magnetic border of the view. They can then be moved freely.

  • When approaching an index near the magnetic border of the view, it automatically magnetizes to this border based on the detection margin: the magnetic stripe.

  • This magnetic border is configurable in the document's options.

  • A warning message is displayed when changing from or to the flat mode, because a new numbering is required.

  • This command must not be used with conical perspective views because the indexes become badly positioned.



With the contextual menu : Other > Explode, it is possible to basify index to independently modify it. When this command is apply, index are transformed into simple entity and are independents.



Available Options:



If the same part is present several times in a view, this activated option allows you to locate all copies.

It may be the case of a repeated part or simply a part inserted several times in an assembly.



Consider a draft document with several views using the same set to project. If in a chronologically anterior view a part was already indexed from an automatic BOM index, it is possible to index it again in another view checking this option.

The manual index is not taken into account.



Center: the index is created in the center of the element.

In place: the index is created offset from the center of the element (define the offset according to X and Y axes).

On border: the index is created on the frame of the view.



Allows the automatic selection of the BOM index style according to the selected entity. To do this, the BOM index style must be defined using the Filters section (to define a BOM index style specific to sheet metal parts for example by activating the Sheet metal filter and the Keep entities cell).

  • If several styles match the entity, the first one in the list of styles will be selected.

  • If several BOMs are available, the command selects the BOM that has the same filters.



This option allows you to indicate the texts rotation angle of the index.


  • Decoration:

To use a framing other than that offered by default, select the cell Framing the select the appropriate icon.

Decorations are available: None, Underlined, Framed or Circled.

Except the type None, a margin can be specified


  • Color:

Select the color of the index text by clicking the button. The pipet allows to select an existing color, the black cross to remove the chosen color.


  • Layer:

Assign a layer to indexes. The layer can be created on the fly by clicking the "+".



  • Symbol: Select the type of extremity from the list.


  • Length of Arrow: Enter the length of the end arrow.


  • Arrow angle: Enter the angle of the end arrow.


  • Diameter of Circle: If the extremity is a circle, enter the diameter of the circle.



