• Local attributes:


This option allows to modify the attributes of each constituent of the element.

In this way, it is possible to modify individually:


  • the symbol (frame of the text)

  • the lines that constitute the rest of the element.


It is possible to modify the following attributes:

  • Line style.

  • Color.

  • Mask

  • Leader anchor point (on the text side)


The mask allows to define if an element hide or not the lines behind in order to make the draft comprehension easier. There is 4 masking level: Low, Medium, High, Very high.

The mask hides all elements that have a lower masking level. A low level element does not mask anything. An element with a medium masking level will hide elements with low level but will be hidden by element with high masking level or very high masking level.


The Leader anchor point can can be modified checking the Alignment cell.

It is possible to define:

  • The Alignment reference from which the alignment is defined (Decoration, First line, Last line, Whole text).

  • The Horizontal alignment type (Base, Bottom, Center, Top).

  • The Anchor location (Automatic, Left, Right)




The masking level of an element is also available from the contextual command "Mask" on the element.



To be able to mask lines of a view, you need to activate the option "Mask" into the lines options of the view.

You can also set this option by default into a user view style.