Work - Results




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Tab of Work document.

This tab allows to consult documents created by processes execution.


Creation stages / Use:


Results can be displayed in three modes:




TopSolid displays documents generated by the process in their creation order.

Possibility to open documents tree to see origin document.

With this mode only, possibility to filter display selecting a process in the Filter by process menu. In this case TopSolid will display documents created by this process only.





This mode displays tasks provided to the document and then, opening the tree, shows documents created by the task.


Regarding Nesting process, it is thanks to this mode that we could check quantities compare to requested quantities.

When the display quantity is different from the requested quantity it will be display with an orange background.





This mode displays tasks that have not been used by any process.





Selecting a result from the Document column, contextual menu allows to:

  • Show in project tree.

  • Open document.

  • Show origin treatment. This command activates the Processes tab and select in it the process that generated this result.



Available options:




These commands allow to open or close documents tree.





This command opens the Results by document detail box.

  1. Select the document type on which you want to customize display and move it in the selected types list with the green arrow.

  2. Select a property and move it in the selected properties list with the green arrow.

  3. Blue arrows allow to modify display order of properties.

  4. The Selected property area allows to:

    • Force the name of the property.

    • Modify the format of the property.

    • Display the property for selected processes only.

    • Choose where and how the the property will be display (in the Details area of this tab and/or in the Review tab (in Documents and/or Nesting areas), display or not the name of the property ...).






This command allows to define properties to display for processes results.

  1. Select a property and move it in the selected properties list with the green arrow.

  2. Blue arrows allow to modify display order of properties.

  3. The Selected property area allows to:

  • Force the name of the property.

  • Modify the format of the property.




Modifications / Additional information:


Selecting a line in the results list we have access to: