Users conversion




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This command allows to to associate the users and groups defined in TopSolid to those defined in the Active Directory Domain Controller (the users and groups in the company's field).

Authentication to TopSolid using its Windows account simplifies TopSolid's PDM administration. Rather than duplicating all the information of the Active Directory in TopSolid (name, first name, email address of the users, belonging to a group of users, ...) TopSolid will directly query the domain controller. The connection to TopSolid will also be with the Windows account.



  • This functionality is not available for a local Pdm server nor for the networks without an Active Directory Domain Controller.

  • You have to connect with the Admin of the TopSolid authentification to convertir at least one user.



Creation stages / Use:


To convert TopSolid users to Windows users:


  1. Connect as Admin with the TopSolid authentification.

  2. Select the Pdm > Users conversion command from the TopSolid button.

  3. Select the user or group in the left column.

  4. With the contextual menu (right click), associate it with a existing account.

  5. Choose the domain if there are several, then select that account in the new window and validate. The green arrow between the 2 tables indicates the associations envisaged. A click on arrow allows to un-associate.

  6. Click the Associate button.

  7. Validate.


To convert  Windows users to TopSolid users:


  1. To be able to connect with the Windows authentification, it is necessary to first:

  2. Login in Windows authentication with this user having administrative rights in TopSolid.

  3. Select the Pdm > Users conversion command from the TopSolid button.

  4. Select the user or group in the left column.

  5. With the contextual menu (right click), select if you want to associate it with an existing account or with a new one.

  6. If associate to an existing account has been selected, select this TopSolid account in the new window and validate.

  7. If associate to a new account has been selected, a new TopSolid account can be created and associated.

  8. The green arrow between the 2 tables indicates the associations envisaged. A click on arrow allows to un-associate.

  9. Click the Associate button.

  10. Validate.



  • TopSolid users are associated with domain users, groups, etc. with groups and vice versa.

  • If Windows authentication is chosen, there is no need to create TopSolid users.



Available options:




This is the list of all domains and sub-domains of the company. You have to choose the appropriate domain for users and groups within that domain to be displayed.