Quick search |
This command allows to allow to quick search a document by its name, description and or part number.
Creation stages / Use:
Click the
icon which is upper right near the help icon.
Enter the word to search for.
Select if it is the name, the description or /and the part number.
Select the type of document to search for.
Select where to search (All, All projects, All libraries, Current project, ...)
The Show first result in the project tree option allow to highlight the first found document.
Start the search by clicking on .
The result is displayed in a window at the bottom of the screen.
Available options:
By clicking this option, the search result will be displayed as icons.
Search in project references:
By checking this option, documents of referenced projects and libraries are also searched.
Modifications / Additional information:
For a more advanced search (with criterion, with other properties, ...), create a Search document.