Export package




This command allows you to export documents or a complete project in package format (TopPkg). This format can only be used by another TopSolid user or with TopSolid'Viewer. This command is only available from the popup menu.


Creation Stages / Use:


  1. Right-click to select one or more documents or a project and select the Import/export > Export package... command.

  2. The window shows if your selection can be exported.

  3. Check or uncheck Export only the view. The file you get if you check this option will be of small size, but can only be processed with TopSolid'Viewer. To be used only for consultation, for example.

  4. Select the location of the package file on your drive and click Save.


Export options :



Export all major revisions: During export, the last minor revision of the last major revision is exported. By checking this option, all major revisions will be exported.


Export only the visualization: By checking this option, the generated file will only contain the visualization and it will only be possible to open it with TopSolid'Viewer.The file size is very small..


Create a self-executing package: The export generates an visualization executable file (.exe) which can be open by double-click without installing TopSolid'Viewer.This kind of files can be blocked by some antivirus or some mail software. When opening, it might be a warning Windows message..


Forbid to analyze geometry and to create graphical cuts in TopSolid'Viewer: By checking this option, the measurement and graphical cuts will be forbidden on the document, if the receiver uses TopSolid'Viewer.



You can export multiple files from the same project in the same package file by using multiple selection (holding the CTRL key down while selecting).



  • The documents do not have to be in the vault. However, if they are not in the vault, you cannot use the Import as Replication command and a new project will be created.

  • If exporting for visualization (or auto-extractible) from a document, referenced documents by the selected document aren't exported to preserve the data confidentiality.



  • During export, the database information required for the selection, as well as the associated files, is included in the package (except in case of export for visualization).For example, exporting a package for an assembly should include all the required files, as well as the project name and the different folders if the documents used were in those folders. All other documents from this project which are not necessary to the assembly will not be exported, of course.

  • By checking Create a self-extracting package or forbid to analyze geometry and create graphical cuts, the Export only the visualization option is automatically checked.

  • The extension of the package export file is .TopPkg if the export file must be imported in TopSolid, it is .exe if the option "Create a self-extracting package" is checked and is .TopPkgViw if the package is for TopSolid'Viewer and only contains the visualization.