



This command allows you to delete a document.


Creation Stages / Use:


Select the Deletion > Delete... command from the popup menu on one or more documents in the project tree.


  1. When deleting, a confirmation window shows the various documents that will be deleted, if the action is possible and, if not, the reason why.

  2. Validate.



  • You can delete by using the Del key on the keyboard.

  • You can do multiple selections by holding the CTRL key down while selecting before deleting.

  • A document under modification can be deleted without canceling changes.

  • With the keyboard shortcut Shift(Maj)+Suppr, it is possible with one action : Delete + Check in + Purge. This action is definitive, it is impossible to restore the files deleted.



  • If the documents are unknown to the vault, (never checked in), they will be permanently deleted.

  • As long as the project has not been purged, it is possible to restore deleted documents from the vault, by selecting them and by using the Cancel changes contextual command.

  • A document from a deleted vault must be put back into the vault so that it disappears from the project tree.

  • Deleted documents are in the project recycle bin. To restore documents, select them and click Restore.

  • Empty Recycle Bin (popup menu on the recycle bin) permanently deletes the documents.

  • When a part used in an assembly is deleted, the deletion validation box specifies the name of the first assembly found by using the latter in the Comment column.

  • After deleting the part, documents that reference it are marked as being out of date.

  • When you open one of these documents, an update is performed and if Auto Heal Mode is turned on, the inclusion will be destroyed or become invalid.



Deleted vault documents are crossed-out in the project tree and preceded by a blue X. Storing the project into the vault deletes the crossed-out documents from the project tree.