Preferences Management




This command allows you to export, import or reset TopSolid settings to return to the original configuration, for example. This command is useful when customizations (dialog and options, windows, icon bar) must be deleted or copied onto another station.


Creation Stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Tools > Preferences management... command from the drop-down menu.


  1. Check the action to perform.

  2. Validate.



  • Resetting destroys all customized settings depending on the selected options. If need be, you then may have to redo all of the customized settings. These customized settings also concern the remote PDM connections and the locations of vaults.

  • By using the Icon Bars option, the icon bars of all documents are reset. In order to reset only the toolbars from the current document, use the Customize command.



Available options:




Settings are saved in a file that can be re-imported onto another station.

  1. Click

  2. Select the settings to export (Icon Bar, Windows, General).

  3. Click

  4. Enter the file name and path.

  5. Validate by clicking .




Settings are saved in a file when exporting settings and can be re-imported onto another station.

  1. Click

  2. You can backup current settings by entering a name and path before importing exported settings, or erase current settings when importing.

  3. Click

  4. Select the file to import.

  5. Validate by clicking .




This option allows you to reset the settings (icon bar, windows and general).

  1. Click

  2. You can backup current settings by entering a name and path before importing exported settings, or erase current settings when importing.

  3. Select the settings to reset (Icon Bar, Windows, General).

  4. Validate by clicking .


Available Settings:



Customized Icon Bar Settings. Reset to restore the default icon bar.



Customized Window Settings (Location of Project Window, etc.) Reset to restore default windows and their positions.



Value settings in different dialogs, menus, options. A reset allows to retrieve default values.