



This command repeats operations or faces.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select Shape > Repetition... from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select faces or operations to repeat depending on the type of elements chosen (operation or faces).

  2. Choose the pattern to use.

  3. Validate the command with the button


Available Options:




You can choose to repeat operations (pockets, drillings, ...) or faces.



Some operations that require reference faces (such as chamfers, fillets, threadings, and tappings) cannot be repeated by themselves. They must be repeated with their support (boss, pocket, hold, etc., on which they are supported).






If you have chosen to repeat this operation, this additional option will appear.

If this option is checked, the operation is recalculated for each entity.

If it is not checked, the geometry of the operation is repeated identically.


For the example below, the operation to repeat is a boss of which the height is defined up to the plane of the chamfer (continuity of the chamfer plane).


Replay operations

Without replaying operations



With the Replay operations option, the geometry is recalculated n times, which can cause increased computation time.


However, if this option is not active, sets of faces for selected operations must all be adjacent (in contact). If some faces are not in contact with the rest of the section, the repetition cannot be carried out.






This option allows for faster repetitions in simples cases, because there is no control. However, there are also more errors (ex. if the repetition is outside of the part).





  • Fast repetition copies faces. You have to choose sides to repeat. For example, for a boss with chamfer to repeat, you must select the boss AND the chamfer.

  • To be able to use this option, there cannot be any "holes" in the faces. For example, if one of the repeated bosses is not on the same support face (the face is intersected by a groove and the boss must be on two sides), or if it is on the exterior of the part, using this option makes repetition invalid.






The Verify the results option allows you to verify the consistency of the repetition of the result.



It is advised to keep the Verify the results option checked, even if the computation time is increased.