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The mask allows to define if an element hide or not the lines behind in order to make the draft comprehension easier. There is 3 masking level: Low, Medium, High.

The mask hides all elements that have a lower masking level. A low level element does not mask anything. An element with a medium masking level will hide elements with low level but will be hidden by element with high masking level.


Creation stages / Use:


Use the contextual command Mask on the element to modify.

Then, choose in the sub-menu the masking level of each constituent of the element.



This option is also available during creation/edition of the element into the local attributes on the advanced options.




Modifications / Additional information:  



To be able to mask lines of a view, you need to activate the option "Mask" into the lines options of the view.

You can also set this option by default into a user view style.