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This command allows to manage the stock properties (name, description, part number and major revision) of a document.

When a part or an assembly is derived, it allows to manage the properties of the derived document and keep the properties of the source document.


Creation stages / Use:


Click the icon or select the Tools > Stock... command from the drop-down menu.


The properties management can be done by 4 different ways:

When the command is ran in an assembly document,  the Occurrence mode allows you to define the stock of the assembly from an inclusion (occurrence) of a part. In this case, a new representation named Stock Representation is created in the entities tree.



These properties are stored in the Parameters > Stock folder of the tree entities and you can get them in an bill of material.



Modifications / Additional information:


Let's take the example of a bracket that we derive for modifications.

The characteristics of the (base) part are:

  • Name: Bracket

  • Description: Bracket

  • Part Number: P-001

  • Major revision majeure : A

The part is derived once for adding the drillings.

In order to be able to manage its own characteristics, the parameters (name, description, part number) are not herited during the derivation.

The characteristics of the part are:

  • Name: Bracket with 4 holes

  • Description: Bracket with 4 holes

  • Part Number: P-002

  • Major revision majeure : A


The stock command allows you to get the characteristics of the base document.

The stock characteristics are:

  • Stock Name: Bracket

  • Stock Description: Bracket

  • Stock Part Number: P-001

  • Stock Major Revision: A

The part is derived twice for adding the chamfers.

In order to be able to manage its own characteristics, the parameters (name, description, part number) are not herited during the derivation.

The characteristics of the part are:

  • Name: Bracket with chamfer

  • Description: Bracket with chamfer

  • Part Number: P-003

  • Major revision: A


The Derivation base document mode allows you to get the stock's characteristics of the Bracket with 4 holes document.

Then, the stock's characteristics are:

  • Stock Name: Bracket with 4 holes

  • Stock Description: Bracket with 4 holes

  • Stock Part Number: P-002

  • Stock Major Revision: A


The Same stock than derivation base mode allows you to get the stock's characteristics of the Bracket document.

Then, the stock's characteristics are:

  • Stock Name: Bracket

  • Stock Description: Bracket

  • Stock Part Number: P-001

  • Stock Major Revision: A



By default, when a document with a stock is derived, the stock of the derived document is created using the Same stock than derivation base mode.